Wednesday, April 25, 2012

no lane lines, trust

We left the Sittler's at 6:00 am this morning as quietly as we could, our good byes were said last night. We left rainy Vancouver and headed toward Golden, BC. As we entered Hwy 1 we were warned to check our gas tanks for there would be no fuel stops for about 120 km. We checked our tank and decided that it would probably be wise to fill up. Sadly, this warning was after the fact. The entire time I was praying that the gas would sustain....13 km outside of Merriott our gas light blinked on and we thankfully rolled into the closest gas station. What a way to start a day! We have been awed by beautiful Canadian mountains capped with snow. We are also surprised how much snow is still in the mountains, the avalanche warning signs and avalanche tunnels we drove through. All the parks and hiking trails up here are closed, parking lots are full of snow. Joseph will have many stories about Hwy 1 after this stretch. Ask him about the pothole warnings, no lines on the highway and what he thinks about all of this! :) We have lost 1 hour today (crossed over into mountain time), but arrived early enough at our hotel to take a swim, relax, eat and hopefully one more swim before bedtime.


Yesterday we said goodbye to the Sittlers and I did not really want to leave even though we had a lot of good time together which included playing many games and play a game of Burnaby bluff ( a modified version of poker that we made up ) for candy. During the game I got lucky and had two flushes and two straits in the first four hands so I ended up winning. After that we went into our trailer and stayed up listing to Odyssey and playing games with each other until 12:00. The next morning I was awakened by Dad then I realized we had to leave. After saying good buy we started to drive East on the 1 which was a whole new experience in itself from big pothole to avalanche shelters it was crazy. On top of that we were driving through the Canadian rockies and all I kept thinking about while looking at the mountains was I wish I could snowboard that until I had to make myself stop thinking about it. Arriving at our hotel at 3:00 we went for a swim and then went to our room for supper and a good nights sleep. 



  1. No lines on the road and pothols, sounds like you are in Kenya. Can't wait to hear your thoughts Joseph.

  2. Beautiful mountains! Don't they make you want to strap on a board? :)
